Meanwhile it's after Memorial Day and yet if I want to have a window open in the living room, I have to wear sweatpants.Now the government is telling us what color to paint the roof - - when will this nonsense end?
It will end when they make us tattoo our social security numbers to our arms.Now the government is telling us what color to paint the roof - - when will this nonsense end?
LMAO I'm glad at least you don't try to hide the fact that you're a paranoid tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.
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Shame on the one for the reply, the other for choosing it above others. God help you both.
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Well at least we know that global warming IS a religion.
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LOL we do? I guess a paranoid tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist would think so.
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It won't. Perhaps the compromise is to create a black and white checkered pattern??? (tongue in cheek). One of the largest sources of carbon emissions is from fossil fues (like natural gas) that are used to fuel heating in winter. Keeping rooftops black for winter heating seems to make far more sense to me than to paint them white and force buildings to burn more fossil fuels during the winter months. I am suspicious about the numbers that are being tossed about relative to savings and global warming effects of having roofs painted white. Perhaps it makes sense in a desert or tropical climate but it makes no sense in Alaska.
Oh, you poor dear. you resent being told that painting your roof in a reflective color (not necessarily white) will save you money on air conditioning. I feel for you. Sure, you will lose a dollar or two on heating costs during the winter but the lower cooling costs during the summer will more than make up for it.
It doesn't matter whether it's raining today where you are or whether it's been a cool spring where you are. You're not a mayfly; you have to take a long-range view of things. When the temperature shot up in my area before Memorial Day, I took out summer clothing but still kept long-sleeved shirts available for right after the weekend. The long-term global trend is warming. Live with it. Or die with it. Your choice.
As far as the roads go, that was also mentioned in the speech and some road surfaces are more reflective than others. Even some asphalt roads aren't too bad.
Geez seriously what is your problem? The government is telling you not to jump off a roof too - do you have a problem with that?
They're suggesting it would be better if roofs were painted white, and the British government is suggesting it would be better if people ate less lamb and such. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. Get over yourself.
First off, Chu didn't tell, he gave some advice. The nice thing about advice is you don't have to take it, but first you should understand why it was given. From the first link below:
';Making roads and roofs a paler colour could have the equivalent effect of taking every car in the world off the road for 11 years, Chu said.
I've applied this same principal to backpacking. I don't wear dark colors that soak up the heat and make me uncomfortable. I wear lighter colors (and now wicking fabrics. Maybe, one day, wicking roofs %26amp; streets?)
The 2nd link will help you understand where Dr. Chu is coming from, by providing a bit of his background.
And finally, the concept is not a new one, and has been documented for years. But in addressing climate change -- also well documented now -- we need to involve the general populace, we need to empower them. Realizing that there are proactive measures that can be implemented on the home front, educating them about simple things that can be accomplished, is part of that process.
i don';t think has the authority to tell you what color to paint your roof, they suggest you do this and if you maintain public buildings they may be passing it down as a way to save enrgy and cut costs.
In northern climates it may be better to have dark roofs to get heat and in the south reflect it. it's summer but if you're in the north east it's raining right now hence your sweatpants...
Well, I'm so sorry that they are trying to save our earth. To make us live longer better lives!!
They are doing this so Global Warming will become a smaller problem. I think that it is a very good idea and if I had a house I would surely do it.
Being I am a 13 year old girl from Delaware, I believe that everyone should do it not one or two or three.
Also, it's not nonsense. Here are some questions to think about:
Do you wanna die?
Do you want your friends and loved ones to die?
Do you even care the earth?
The link comments relate to the heat reduction in a building that is white as opposed to a darker colour meaning that less air conditioning would be required. The basic physics of this has been known for centuries long before aircon the Spanish and the Greeks knew that white washing a house would keep it cooler in a warm climate.…
Stephanie H: this is a graph of the the global temperature…
Do you understand basic averages? the red lines on the right from 2000 to the present are much higher on average than those from the 1990s or any decade before that going back to the start of the record and 2009 (so far) is well ahead of 2008 in terms of global temperature.……
It might just be a cool summer!
Some general commentary on why using political science to make scientific predictions is really not a very smart move.…
And finally something to put fear into the heart of any religiously faithful warmer, solar output charts that clearly illustrate the one to one relationship between the suns activity and the warmth or coolness of the planet. It is the sun that drives climate, not co2.…
This is the truth that the warmers really do not want known by the general public because an informed public is not easy to panic like they did during the last election cycle because they were still ignorant of the facts.
A people that can not be scared can not be easily controlled.
This has been true throughout modern civilization if you read history.
';Global Warming'; has become the grand political narrative of the age, replacing Marxism as a dominate force for controlling liberty and human choices. --
Professor P. Scott
The interesting thing is this was proposed over 1.5 years ago, but it didn't make any headlines, you don't need a PHD to propose a solution for combating Urban Heat Island effects.…
I am not so sure that the questioner is going to have the last laugh.
Pity though that white paint degrades in sunlight more quickly than black and also looks more tatty when it cracks or flakes. Bit of a maintenance headache.
Yes, the founding fathers fought oh so hard for our God given right to not have the government suggest what color to paint our roof. We're surely only a step or two away from turning into the Soviet Union.
Here is some disturbing news on Steven Chu, but falls right in line with Obama's initiative.
We are the government. We elect these idiots year after year. If we want it to change, we need to vote out the dead wood already in government and replace them with new uncorrupted people.
A black roof can also help heat your home in the winter, helping cut down on energy used to warm your house. Bet that dumb **** didnt take that into consideration.
You guys voted for that bunch of idiots....Hope you are happy with your Change and Hope.
lol omg all you people are idots
the earth has been cooling for 12 years! bet you didn't know THAT!
It looks more like a suggestion that an edict. Over-react much?
You seem to have a comprehension problem. As Amy said, it makes no claim about telling you what colour to paint your roof.
I`ll offer you little advice after seeing this, make sure you have a lawyer/accountant read any contracts you might sign. It's my guess you own more than one Sham-wow.
Oh and please stop trying to mislead 13 year olds, especially when they are better informed than you are..
Edit Rod:
“A people that can not be scared can not be controlled.”
Was that a D. Cheney quote?
only if you have a flat roof..and what do you care what color your roof is anyways? Why not, if it will help the environment? think of how much heat is given off from everything black..roofs, roads..
edit: i'm not going as far as heather and claiming it'll save the earth..but i think it'll help keep it cool regardless of whether global warming is real or not, or if it is actually taking place now. I just think its a good step to take and dont really see the big deal of painting things if we were told we had to have the roof made of a certain material..that would be a different story
edit: as for all the people saying ';well a black roof helps keep your house warm';..they didnt read well enough..its for flat roofs usually meant for warehouses or buildings..most houses have angeled, this wont affect normal consumers heating/coolings needs
they are trying to save our earth. it sounds like a good idea actually. i would do it.
how wouldn't it help decrease the amount of greenhouse gases we emit every year? IT WOULD.
';Making roads and roofs a paler colour could have the equivalent effect of taking every car in the world off the road for 11 years';
that is an INCREDIABLE amount of GHG's that would be reduced from the environment
and btw, yes the world is going to come to an end, all life as we know it will be destroyed. you can already see the beginning effects of it with the polar bears. they have no ice floes to reach and are drowning because the temperature has risen and is melting the ICE
and in 2050, 95% of our coral reefs will be gone because of all the damage. THAT IS SOON. do you not realize that? GLOBAL WARMING IS VERY REAL and people who don't believe it are ignorant. IT'S SCIENCE PEOPLE.
uh stephanie, don't know realize that global warming has been happening for over hundreds of years? IDIOT. not just the past five. scientists are just now seeing the damages made and are trying to educate us about it.
First, man-made Global warming is a hoax to dictate the kind of car you drive, the number of miles you drive, the kind of house you buy, the temperature you set your thermostat, and where we get our power from. They can also tax you more in the name of ';saving the planet';. When politicians can do this they take away your freedoms to make your own decisions and they receive more power over you and that is what this is all about. This planet has been going through warming and cooling cycles ever since God created it. God is in control of the seasons, not man.
Second, in the early 1970's the environmentalists were claiming man was causing Global cooling and within 100 years it would be too cold to grow crops for food.
If, you will look at the last three years alone, you will find the planet in a cooling cycle. But, you can not just look at the climate for three years, or three hundred years to see if we are in a warming or cooling cycle.
If, humans did not make CO2, then all plant and vegetable life would die. Trees, grass, fruit, vegetables, every living green thing requires CO2 to live. The take in CO2 and change that into oxygen in a process called photosynthesis.
If, the planet did not have CO2 then the temperature swings would be more extreme from day to night and summer to winter. Also, our oceans help buffer the temperature swings. It's all in God's plan.
This is getting out of hand. This is all a bunch of hysteria designed to gain more control over our lives as fast as they can. The Earth does not need to be saved.
well we are actually destroying our environment by using non-biodegradable things but
PAINTING roof sounds ...too much..
Why don't THEY stop paving the roads black?!?!?! Am I right?
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