My preschooler won't color, draw, paint, write, or do crafts willingly. He reads well and learns quickly, so my guess is that his fine motor skills are just slower to develop. I've had no luck making art fun for him, so now I just ask him to trace his name before he can watch TV or play computer games. He doesn't protest much and is proud of his work. Should I continue to push it or just let it go? I don't want him to struggle with this when he starts Kindergarten.My preschooler won't color, draw, paint, write, or do crafts.?
if you push him too hard he will not like doing it when he gets into school try to get him to do it but i wouldn't push offer it up to him every day as he may change his mind after a while a decide that he wants to do it just give him timeMy preschooler won't color, draw, paint, write, or do crafts.?
My 4 year old son is like this. He has just no interest in colouring or drawing. He loses interest very quickly in it. I think that for some children, these sort of things just don't interest them. When you think about it, not all adults like drawing or painting etc, so why should it be any different for children. We all have different likes and dislikes and for them I think its just the same. Your son probably just doesn't want to do these things, but that doesn't mean he can't. I'm sure he'll be fine.
Don't worry I'm still struggling with my 6 year daughter who refuses to read and write - she can do it but it's hard work getting her to do so.
She prefers artistist things instead. remember all children have their own personality just like adults.
I personally don,t force it too much. You should find that he will co-operate at kindergarten when he sees the other children doing it.
I would try to work with him on it. Maybe you could get some of that paint that drys like a chalk board, and paint a spot (in his room or somewhere of your choice) and see if that gets his attention. Just put some trim around it to make it look nice. He just may not be interested in art. Plus you said he is reading and that's great in its self. Don't push it on him but do keep trying, he will change his mind eventually.
Maybe coloring, drawing and painting just don't interest him. My son is 4 and he could care less about that stuff. His passion is anything with wheels. I definitely think you should encourage the practicing of his name though. That's a life skill where knowing how to color or do crafts is not.
Some kids just don't have artistic spark. And if your child is anything like my brother, he will act like a completely different kid when he's at school.
has he ever been tested for a developmental disorder im just tying to help
you should talk to him %26amp; if he doesn't listen talk to his or her parents
Tracing his name is good - but working with textas/crayons etc will definitely help him improve his motor skills.
Try to get him interested in different types of craft - try using water based paints (extremely water based) and put it in a squirter bottle. You can use an old sheet and use the squirter to squirt the paint on to the sheet - it washes out completely. You can use this to talk about colours etc and he might be more interested.
Also, if you haven't already, use subjects that he loves - eg trains/cars or dinosaurs. learn about them, look in books and then talk about how you could make one and what colours he would use. talk about textures - would it be rough/smooth etc. You can use collage/paints/pencils etc to make something from this theme.
Also, cooking is another way to improve fine motor skills - making cookies and rolling the dough into balls is a great way - sifting is great for wrist movement.
Oh and try to find those crayons made of soap that he can use to draw in the bath - most of the kids i babysit love them and will sit for hours in the bath (or they would if i let them :D).
Hope this works out for you!
I would personally continue to try - it's important that he's gets these pre-writing skills from areas other than just pencils.
But if it doesn't work, don't stress.
Sometimes if you let it go for a month or so and then try to bring it back, he might be more interested?
Oh! and one last thing i just thought of, if you have a sandpit (or access to one at a playground etc) get sticks or feathers and get him to make patterns in the sand - drawing things on beaches etc. this is cool and interesting.
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